Cooking tip of the day – High Heat

tl;dr if you are new to cooking, don’t insist on using high heat

Cooking foods in high heat allows you to cook faster and also allows the ingredients to lose less moisture, thus they get less mushy and don’t get dried up. That’s why the restaurants and professional chefs use gas stoves instead of electric stoves.

However, if you are new to cooking and can’t get all the timings right and you also feel like you have a lot going on (like putting in different ingredients, seasoning, then tasting it), then burning your foods is not worth that difference. Burning your foods is far worse than making your foods less tasty. Keep the stove in medium or medium high heat and just aim for a decent dish (instead of gambling for a 50:50 chance of awesome vs burning)

p.s. I said don’t “insist” on using high heat. Sometimes you have to use high heat. I just meant that you yourself shouldn’t insist on it if you know you are a newbie cook. But hey, welcome to the journey

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